Bird Control Services in Dubai

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While birds are generally appreciated for their beauty and ecological role, there are situations in which they can be considered pests. In urban areas, certain bird species, particularly pigeons, can become a nuisance. They may roost on buildings, create nests in undesirable locations, and leave droppings that can damage property and pose health risks. Birds can also pose a threat to aviation safety. Large flocks of birds near airports can lead to bird strikes, which may result in damage to aircraft and compromise passenger safety. Bird droppings can carry pathogens that may pose health risks to humans. Accumulation of droppings in certain areas, such as on buildings and public spaces, can lead to sanitation issues.

It's important to note that addressing bird-related issues should be done with consideration for wildlife conservation and ethical treatment of animals. Non-lethal and humane methods, such as deterrents and habitat modification, are often preferred to manage bird-related problems. Additionally, local regulations and guidelines regarding wildlife management should be followed to ensure responsible and ethical practices.


ROCK DOVES (Pigeons)

Pigeons, also known as Rock Doves, are one of the most widespread and common bird species in urban environments around the world. While they are often associated with parks and city squares, they can become pests in certain situations. They are highly adaptable birds that have successfully colonized urban areas. They are known for their ability to thrive in diverse environments, from city centers to coastal cliffs. Pigeons are prolific breeders, with the ability to reproduce throughout the year under favorable conditions. They can quickly establish large populations, contributing to their status as potential pests. They roost on buildings, ledges, and other structures. They may also build nests in sheltered locations, such as eaves and building alcoves. Accumulation of droppings from roosting sites can lead to property damage and sanitation issues. Their droppings can be corrosive and may damage buildings, vehicles, and other structures over time. Additionally, the buildup of droppings can pose health risks, as they may harbor pathogens that can be transmitted to humans.

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Indian Mynas are medium-sized birds with brown plumage, a yellow eye patch, and bright yellow legs and bills. They have white wing patches that are visible in flight. They are highly adaptable and exhibit opportunistic feeding habits. They are known to thrive in urban environments and can be found in a variety of habitats, including parks, gardens, and urban areas.They are cavity nesters, often taking over the nests of other birds. They readily adapt to urban structures, such as roof spaces, tree hollows, and other sheltered locations for nesting. The Indian Myna, is a native to South Asia. However, it has been introduced to various other parts of the world, often unintentionally, and in some regions, it has become a problematic invasive species.


    Bird control involves the management of bird populations in a manner that addresses issues related to public health, safety, and property damage while considering ethical and humane treatment of the birds. Various industries and organizations may seek professional bird control services to address specific problems associated with bird pests. Here are a few common methods employed by Hygeia in bird control:

  • Physical Barriers: - nstalling physical deterrents such as spikes, netting, and wires to prevent birds from roosting or nesting on buildings and structures.

  • Visual Deterrents: - Placing objects that mimic predators or using reflective materials to scare birds away.

  • Food Source Removal: - Implementing measures to minimize food availability for birds, such as securing trash bins and cleaning up food waste.

  • Chemical Repellents: - Using avian repellents or bird control gels that make surfaces unpalatable to birds without causing harm.


  • Keep outdoor areas clean and free of food scraps, as birds are attracted to easily accessible food.
  • Use tightly sealed trash bins and promptly clean up any spilled food.
  • If you use bird feeders, choose designs that minimize spillage and place them away from structures to reduce the risk of birds nesting nearby.
  • Fix any leaks and eliminate standing water, as birds need water for drinking and bathing.
  • Trim branches and vegetation that may provide convenient perches or nesting sites close to buildings.
  • Seal openings, gaps, and crevices in buildings to prevent birds from entering and nesting. Pay attention to roof spaces, vents, and eaves.
  • Use physical deterrents such as spikes, wires, or netting on ledges and other surfaces where birds may roost or nest.
  • Consider installing scare devices or reflective materials to discourage birds.
  • Regularly clean and maintain outdoor spaces to remove bird droppings, which can attract more birds and pose health risks.

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