More than finding a pest problem, it is easier to find and spot a cockroach infestation. Night time is the period when cockroaches are most active. They always like to remain hidden in the cracks and among the holes, especially during the day time. It is during the night time that they come out to feed themselves. They can eat or consume almost everything present in your kitchen. It can be anything. They will have food, plastic, packages, bird droppings, animal matter and much more. There are some easier way to detect if there are any cockroach infestations on your premises.
How to detect cockroaches?
These are some of the ways in which you can detect cockroach infestations.
*Unusual smell:- An offensive smell that lingers which spoils anything that comes in contact with them will be produced when an established cockroach infestation is created.
*Cockroach droppings:-The cockroaches can produce approx.2 mm long cylindrical droppings i.e brown or black, if some water is accessible.
*Producing Smear marks:- Smear marks are produced by cockroaches which are irregular and brown only when water availability is more. The areas where the cockroaches sprint must be checked for any signs on horizontal surfaces and also at joining functions.
*Shedding skin:- While maturing to an adult the cockroaches cast their nymphal skin about 5-8 times. The cast skin can be usually seen near their residing area.
*Checking your bathrooms, laundry etc:-The German cockroaches are usually seen in the bathrooms, laundry and the area near to the kitchen. They mostly need warmness and humidity. They easily climb polished and smooth surfaces.
*Checking the basement:- Cockroaches that sprint through the basements that are adjustable with cool, moist temperatures are the oriental ones. They can even survive in the most rubbish of places if they get tolerable conditions. Unlike the German cockroaches, any rough brick wall can be climbed by them.
Cockroach eggs
Most of the cockroach eggs have multiple eggs which are laid in capsules. For most of the cockroach species, the ootheca is a bit varied. The ootheca of a German cockroach has 18 segments whereas there are only 8 segments for the brown-banded cockroach. There is no clear segmentation in the case of Oriental and American cockroach. Just under the keel, the cockroaches have lifted regions. Only the German Cockroaches carry their ootheca until it starts hatching. All other species of cockroaches drop the ootheca as soon as possible. The ootheca of the German cockroach will have almost 30 tiny nymphs. Cockroach control Dubai can be gained only through expert hands.
Live cockroaches
You may observe cockroaches scattering everywhere if you turn on the light during the night. They are nocturnal creatures and this confirms their presence.
If your bathrooms have been stored with toiletry products, then they can be found right at their back. They can hide behind bathrooms and dark places if they have access to water. They can survive even by consuming soaps and toilet papers