Termite Control Services in Dubai

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Termites are nasty creatures that can destroy your home & property and effective termite pest control services is very essential to make sure your home and properties are protected for long. To ensure that your property does not become infested with termites, it is important that you keep your property clean, tidy and free from moisture. Termites enjoy eating wooden materials and will rarely make themselves known. Regular inspections of your property are important so that no parts of your property become vulnerable to termites.

The most important thing to do when you discover an infestation of termites is not panic. Although they will probably have done some damage already, as long as you get it sorted out quickly your property should be okay. The optimal way of doing this is to contact a pest control specialists who will be able to eliminate the infestation by destroying the colony. There may be temperory treatments that you can avail, but the only way you will know that the problem really has been completely eradicated is if you get professional help. Call Hygeia for effective termite pest control services in Dubai.



Subterranean termites are a type of termite that nests in the soil and constructs tunnels to reach their food sources. They are one of the most destructive types of termites, causing significant damage to wooden structures. They live in colonies that are typically located underground soil, often near or in contact with wood, and construct intricate tunnel systems to access food sources above ground. Subterranean termites primarily feed on wood and other cellulose-containing materials. They obtain nutrients from the cellulose by breaking it down with the help of specialized microorganisms in their digestive system. Cellulose is found in plant fibers, wood, paper, and similar materials, making buildings and wooden structures susceptible to infestation.

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Drywood termites are a type of termite that infests dry wood and can cause significant damage to wooden structures, furniture, and other cellulose-containing materials. Unlike subterranean termites, drywood termites do not require contact with the soil and can live entirely within the wood they infest. They typically infest dry wood found in structures, furniture, and dead trees. Colonies can be small, and multiple colonies may coexist within the same piece of wood. Drywood termites primarily feed on dry wood and other cellulose-containing materials. They obtain nutrients from the cellulose by breaking it down with the help of microorganisms in their digestive system.


Dampwood termites are a type of termite species that are associated with damp or decaying wood. Unlike subterranean termites and drywood termites, which can be found in various types of wood, dampwood termites infest wood with high moisture content. Colonies may be established in damp wood, and the termites do not require contact with the soil. Dampwood termites feed on wood with high water content, often in areas with water leaks or decay. They obtain nutrients from the cellulose present in the damp or decaying wood. Dampwood termites can cause damage to structures with water-damaged or decaying wood. However, they are not as economically significant as subterranean termites or drywood termites.

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    It's important to note that anti-termite treatments should be carried out by trained professionals who understand the biology and behavior of termites. The choice of treatment method depends on factors such as the type of termite, the extent of infestation, and the construction of the building. Additionally, safety precautions should be followed when using chemical treatments to ensure the well-being of humans and pets. Always consult with a licensed pest control professional for an appropriate and effective anti-termite treatment plan for your specific situation. Anti Termite treatment can be divided into two types:

  • Pre Construction Termite Treatment: - Pre-construction termite treatment is a preventive measure taken during the construction phase to protect structures from potential termite infestations. Here liquid termiticides are applied to the soil before the foundation is laid. This creates a chemical barrier that prevents termites from entering the structure. Termiticides are applied directly to the foundation walls before backfilling. This ensures that the soil around the foundation is treated. Trenches are dug along the perimeter of the construction site, and termiticides are applied to create a continuous barrier against termite entry. If the construction involves a concrete slab, termiticides can be applied to the soil before pouring the slab. This helps create a treated zone beneath the slab. If possible, the structural wood used in the construction can be treated with termiticides before installation.

  • Post Construction Termite Treatment: - Post-construction termite treatment is essential for protecting structures from termite infestations after the construction phase. This involves Soil Treatment, where liquid termiticides are applied to the soil around the foundation of the building. This creates a chemical barrier that prevents termites from entering the structure. In cases where there are concrete slabs or foundations, holes are drilled, and termiticides are injected into the soil beneath to create a treated zone. Trenches are dug along the perimeter of the building, and termiticides are applied to the soil. This method creates a continuous barrier that protects against termite entry. All wooden components, including door frames, window frames, and other vulnerable areas, are treated with liquid termiticides or wood preservatives. If possible, the structural wood of the building can be treated with termiticides during post-construction treatment.


  • Conduct regular inspections of your property, both indoors and outdoors. Look for signs of termite activity, such as mud tubes, damaged wood, or discarded wings.
  • Avoid direct contact between wooden structures and soil. Termites can easily access wood that is in direct contact with the ground.
  • Ensure proper ventilation in crawl spaces and attics to reduce moisture levels. Termites are attracted to damp environments.
  • Fix leaks promptly, including plumbing leaks and roof leaks. Termites are attracted to moisture, and eliminating water sources can make your property less appealing to them.
  • Use termite-resistant or treated wood for construction, especially in areas prone to termite activity.
  • Apply sealants or wood preservatives to exposed wooden surfaces to make them less attractive to termites.
  • Remove dead trees, stumps, and other cellulose materials from your property. These can serve as termite attractants.

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